Monday, September 25, 2017

Rawa Kesari - Suji Halwa (Dussera Prasad)


  • Rawa/ Suji- 1 cup
  • Milk- 1 cup 
  •  Water- 1 cup 
  • Sugar - 1 1/2 cup or more
  • Ghee- 4-5 tbsp
  • Nutmeg Powder- 1/8 tsp
  • Cashews- 5-6 broken
  • Almonds- 5-6 broken

  1. Take a non-stick pan and roast the suji/rawa in ghee.
  2. Keep the heat in simmer and roast till it changes to golden color. The suji will release a nice smell.
  3. Now to this,add milk, water, gradually. And stir continuously while adding the milk and water. this is ti avoid the formation of lumps. 
  4. Cook the suji on simmer. It will take about 5 minutes. If required add little more water.
  5. Make sure any lumps formed are mashed with the spatula. 
  6. Meanwhile roughly break the nuts and roast in ghee in a smaller pan. Keep aside.
  7. As the suji mixture is cooking grate some nutmeg or add cardamom powder and mix. Cook till the sugar melts completely. It will take about 3-5 minutes.
  8. As the mixture comes together turnoff the heat and add the roasted nuts.
  9. Serve hot or cold. 

  1. I do not prefer to add color, but for those who like you can add 3-4 drops of a color of your choice as the sugar melts.
  2. You can also add an essence of your choice, but not more than 3-5 drops.
  3. If adding rose, raspberry or kewra essence add only a single drop. These are very strong flavors and easily overpower the dish. 

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